We are scheduled to meet on Deck Four in the Lobby near the staircase at a time yet to be determined every morning you are scheduled to dive with the group. If you are a Scuba Cruise Alum, this procedure will be very familiar to you. You must not be LATE, so please plan accordingly.
Once off the ship, we will head over to the dive operator and remain together on the dive boat until it’s time to head back to the ship. Information about the dive and emergency contacts at the dive operation will be turned into the Group Coordinator/Purser, but please note these are not ship sponsored shore excursions, so technically, you are on your own in port.
Pre-Dive Orientation Overview
We have not yet been assigned a time or a room where we will gather on the ship for this hour long meeting, however it has been tentatively scheduled for the 2nd day on the ship later in the day so you have an opportunity to explore Papeete. It is importnat that all divers in the group attend. I will review our dive day debarkation procedures with you as well as let you know what to expect in each dive port of call. The hour goes by quickly and like you, have better things to do on a ship than sit in a meeting!

Morning Check-In Procedure
The procedure to get off the ship will be the same each morning we are in port. The dive group will meet in the same location - on Deck Four of the main lobby, near Guest Services and the Excursion Desk; there are comfy chairs and hopfully, a place where you can get some coffee..
Please refer to your Group Cruise Planner as to the meeting time. I will check you off of the dive manifest and also ask to see your C-Card every morning. It is important to note that if you are not ready to depart with the group at the time posted in the Group Cruise Planner, we may leave without you. If you check in and then disappear, we are not going to look for you. I apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may cause; however, it will be your responsibility to get to the dive boat on your own.
Equipment, ID and Money
If you have your own gear - have it ready to go the night before. Please bring a backpack type dive bag for your gear, or a small roller. Large dive bags can be a problem, The best dive bag is a small study one with rollers. I don't recommend you take a beach towel - consider a small shammy like towel that is small and compact. Many dive boats do not allow footwear; I recommend you wear inexpensive flipflops which you might be asked to leave behind on the dock. Leave expensive clothing and sunglasses on the ship and take only what won't break your heart if you leave it behind.
You will need cash for tips. Tipping is a personal thing, but the average tip is $5 per tank - less for bad service and more for exceptional service. I strongly recommend you purchase a small plastic waterproof ID bag that you can put your money and ID into so you can keep it inside your wetsuit while you dive.
Dive Boat Etiquite
We don't have any newbies this year in the group, so I expect you guys all to know the drill - suit up early, store all dive bags below deck or under seats, and make sure you keep the floor in front of you clear of dive gear. Always stay put while the boat is moving, and make sure you listen to the dive master as he/she reviews the dive site. If you have any dive related issues, no matter how small, let the dive master know. If you need assistance getting back on the dive boat, say something. If you are quick to consume air, let the DM know, so you can surface when you need to and still allow the rest of the group to complete the dive.
In addition, remember to watch out for the divers with cameras both on the diveboat and in the water. Never rinse your gear in the water with expensive camera equipment. And make sure when you see Mike with the camera, that you are aware he is probably taking video or still prictures of you for the group DVD!
Dive Sites
I am still working out the details with each dive operator on which dive sites we will visit, but by the time we meet on the ship, I will have this information for you. Until then, all dives sites will include one deep dive - maxing out at around 90-110 feet and a more shallow one - maxing out at around 60-80 feet. We could end up doing a reverse profile. Since you are incontrol of your depth, remember, if you know you have issues with air consumption, watch your depth and swim a little above the group.
There are those in group for whom air consumption is not an issue, so you will notice some of us descending a little deeper at the start of the dive. The key is for you to find your most comfortable depth and to watch your depth guage closely.
Group Activities
Activities scheduled for the group are also published in the Group Cruise Planner - as stated earlier, a copy will be emailed to you prior to the cruise, but no planners will be available on the ship. We recommend you customize it based on your activities and dive schedule. At the Pre-Dive Oreintation we will be referring to this document, so I recommend you print out a copy and take it with you on the cruise. You will receive reminders on the ship prior to any group activity scheudled on the ship; they will be delievered to your stateroom the night before.
If at any time you have a question, please email me, Suzi, the group leader. The purpose of the Pre-Dive Orientation is for all of us to meet and to review our cruise schedule; we'll have our annual raffle, do a champagne toast enjoy each other's company in the process.